#hpad; cjpf;Fk; jpirnjhlq;fp mJ m];jkpf;Fk; jpirkl;Lk; fh;j;jUila ehkk; Jjpf;fg;gLtjhf.
From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD’S name is to be praised. Psa 113:3

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Names of God: Elohim Yahweh El Elyon El Roi El Shaddai Yahweh Yireh Yahweh Nissi Jehovah Rapha Yahweh Shalom How excellent is Your name in all the earth!

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"Let us return to the grave Christian experiences" Resurrection Sunday Sermon Samson Paul (Jeevaneerodai)
"Tragedies in Churches" Challenges sleeping Churches for Missionary Evangelism. R. Stanley (Stanley on Bible)
A haven of joy is the wounds of Jesus Supreme refuge I searched somewhere I will find a place. Sung by Kirubavathi Daniel
"Ullathin Magizhchi" Sung by: Sis S.Sherlynal Samuel Music by Bro.R Augustine Ponseelan, lyrics by Fr S J Berchmans.

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mjw;F mth;: mg;gbahdhYk;> NjtDila thh;j;ijiaf; Nfl;L> mijf; fhj;Jf;nfhs;Sfpwth;fNs mjpf ghf;fpathd;fs; vd;whh;. Yf;fh 11:28
Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalg was born in 1683 in Pulsnitz in Germany and was sent as a missionary to the Tranquebar port, a small Danish colony on the east coast (Bay of Bengal) in Tamilnadu, by the King of Denmark and Norway in the year 1705  Watch Film.

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Ennai Aatkonda Yesu
Paul Thangiah
Yudhavin Sengol

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Today's Verse

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“But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.”
1 John 1:7

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ez;gh; RtpNrr n[gf;FO ghly;fs;

Stanley On Bible

Stanley On Bible

jkpOk; Mq;fpyKk; cs;s nra;jpfs;

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Samson Paul

R.Stanley (Stanley On Bible)

Tragedies in Churches-600
"Tragedies in Churches"

R.Stanley (Stanley On Bible)

Sherlynal Samuel

Ullathin Magizhchi
"Ullathin Magizhchi"

Sherlynal Samuel